
Showing posts from August, 2012

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I will stay on my friend's house for a day. 'Cause i got the day off at my part time&i got nothing to do so i will refreshing myself with Na-chan! Her real name is Nana, She's my bestfriend ever since i got into collague. Her appearance just cute&too kinddddd to be real. Well yeah sometimes she's just too amusing. Haha sorry Na-chan, but you aren't bad. I call her Na-chan cause i like Japanese and i'm kinda otaku to shoujo manga or anime. Na-chan too, so it's alright if i just call her that. But she just doesn't often call me Sa-chan._. DING DONG Tap tap tap.... Hm...sounds like someone is running? "Sayu!" someone's just hugging me suddenly. "Whoa, Na-chan" We're hugging each-other for a minute. "Come on in! Abi is waiting inside" she said while pull my hand to come in. "Okay okay. Abi! Sis is comiiiiiing!" i said while pretend hugging him. Abi is Na-chan's little brother. He...

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I was in my own dream while walking on the road. I'm straight go home from supermarket i went earlier. I like the heat of the sun, and i like to dreaming on the summer. It's like it will turn into life. Hahaha what an imagining girl i am:) Well... back then i realized and i saw some people. They're running. Oh, do some people running in summer? Didn't they become dizzy? Ya whatever.  But then, a girl with such a long black-hair running towards me. .............. HUH?! BRAK! &*%^$&@$!@%* "Owwie...." "Sorry! Sorry!" she says. "You! please pretend you never meet me!!" and then she run away like crazy. Some people with black coat still chasing after her. Whaa... What was that?! She's so beautifuuuuuuul ---------------------------------- Yesterday was such an incredible day. I've got to meet princess of the goddes in this world. So happy to be born. Hahahaha. Oh, no. Don't t...

Really miss you

I don't mean to brag, but i've never been short of boyfriends my whole life. Occasionally, i even liked by some random people who just meet me for the first-time. Well... i have a conversation with just to see what it's like. But the more i get to know them, the more meaningless it feels. And in the end... i'm often the one who initiates the break-up. I'm tired of men who only know to say pretty words. But that time is different... He's treating me different way & being so honest. Which i can't defeat him. But now he's going so farrrr far far away. Don't know if we're able to meet him again & knowing each-other just like in the past... I ... Really miss you, here. -Sincerely, Me.


shoot! it's me. and weird. haha

Once again...

Petang ini, teman-teman alumni SMA ingin mengadakan acara temu-kangen bersama. Tentunya aku dan mantan pacar juga mantan orang yang pernah kusukai akan hadir. Kami satu angkatan. Haha. Aku yang baru datang langsung menempati satu bangku yang kulihat kosong. Ramai. Sangat ramai. Dan tepat di sebelahku sang mantan yang pernah kusukai duduk. Sebut saja namanya "Dede" di seberangnya duduk mantan pacarku yang bernama "Afwa" dan sebelahnya lagi teman dekat Dede yaitu "Adi". Nah, both of Dede&Adi pernah aku sukai dua-duanya. Wuahahahaha biar sih suka-suka~ "Wah ada spongebob!" teriak satu temanku yang menyadari kalau aku sedang memakai kaos itu. "Hehe:))" jawabku. "Hahaha spongebob, patricknya mana??" tanya Dede iseng. "Gapunya...." jawabku. Dan kemudian banyak teman yang tertawa. Memangnya aku se-lucu itu ya HAHAHA padahal cuma ngomong 'gapunya' doang. Kecuali Adi yang terlihat BT. Sedari tadi, e...