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I will stay on my friend's house for a day. 'Cause i got the day off at my part time&i got nothing to do so i will refreshing myself with Na-chan! Her real name is Nana, She's my bestfriend ever since i got into collague. Her appearance just cute&too kinddddd to be real. Well yeah sometimes she's just too amusing. Haha sorry Na-chan, but you aren't bad. I call her Na-chan cause i like Japanese and i'm kinda otaku to shoujo manga or anime. Na-chan too, so it's alright if i just call her that. But she just doesn't often call me Sa-chan._.


Tap tap tap....

Hm...sounds like someone is running?

"Sayu!" someone's just hugging me suddenly.

"Whoa, Na-chan"

We're hugging each-other for a minute.

"Come on in! Abi is waiting inside" she said while pull my hand to come in.

"Okay okay. Abi! Sis is comiiiiiing!" i said while pretend hugging him.

Abi is Na-chan's little brother. He's 7 years old just got into elementary school and cute just as his sister.hehe. Actually Na-chan is have two younger brother. Afif and Abi. Afif is four years younger than Nana. But now Afif is in Austria High School. He's studying abroad just like his sister in the past.


"Hey Sayu, i got a good news!" Na-chan is starting to speak while we just got in into her room.

"Hm, what is this?" i pick up a cookies Nana's mother give.

"Wina is got her first boyfriend!"


"Really!!! Oh my, she's adult now. Hahahaha"


I'm shocked but i'm happy as well. Wina is Nana's cousin. She's use to live near Nana's house before. But now she's studying abroad too like Afif. I like Wina just as much i like Nana so muuuuuchhh. They are similar though.hihi:))

"And i heard her boyfriend is coooool, Sayu!" Na-chan said.

"Oh yeah? Good then! We must having boyfriends as soon as Wina too, Na-chan!" haha i say that with an energetic power inside.

"Her boyfriend is cool cause he's got into collague just like us. Even though he's on second semester now, age gap doesn't really mind her...."

Whoa?! Age gap? Just how much age gappppppp?!

"Huh? College?? Wowowowo Wina's sure got her some power right. Hahaha. Good good. I hope we can meet Wina soon to conglature her" i said.

"Yup yup. And we'll sleepover just like today" Na-chan said that while remembering some memories while Wina still here.

I miss Wina, i miss Nana, and i miss everyone. I wonder just how can i missing many people at the same time. Haha.


It's time to sleep. But Na-chan tell me something that i can't sleep after hear that.
Na-chan tells me that she have some pictures of Wina's boyfriend. Because her boyfriend is truly Indonesian that study abroad near Wina's high school.

"Here here. Isn't he's too cool?? Just like Bisma! haha"

Bisma is ex-failed boyfriend of Wina. Her feeling just as a fan though.

"Whoa, yeah handsome enough! More than Bisma...i think hahaha. And who is this?"
I directioned a person who is stand beside Wina's boyfriend. Handsome and cool just like a prince.

"Don't know...we can ask while her come back next month"
"Let's go to sleep now, Sayu! We won't be able to running tomorrow morning if we're stay up too late" Na-chan said.

"Ugh, you right... It's 11pm afterall"

"Sleep well Sayu" Na-chan's pulling her blanket.

"Yup you too" i said.
I'm pulling my blanket too. But inside that i can't sleep. Thinking about that handsome friend of Wina's boyfriend. What a waste thinking of him hahaha. Enough and sleep peacefully, Sayu.
Remember too wake up early for running tomorrow.


-To be continued?


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